Michael M. Santiago / Staff | Getty Images
Penny is not a hero but a victim of America's twisted culture.
Regardless of the outcome of his manslaughter trial, former Marine Daniel Penny is more victim than hero.
He’s a victim of a culture hostile to traditional male masculinity, a victim of a society that is systematically destroying the nuclear family, a victim of social media’s elevation of the dead and the elite.
Eighteen months ago, Penny crossed paths with Jordan Neely, a drug-addicted, schizophrenic, homeless man on a New York subway. Neely, an ex-con, behaved erratically. He threatened passengers. He screamed he was willing to die and return to jail.
Penny reacted. He grabbed Neely from behind, wrestled him to the ground, and restrained him with a choke hold he’d been taught in the military. Penny held Neely until the subway stopped, nearly six minutes, and then asked passengers to call police. Neely was alive and breathing when Penny released him. Neely died several minutes later as police and paramedics tended to him.
Penny is white. Neely was black.
I feel sorry for Jordan Neely. But my empathy does not mean that I should be forced to overlook his schizophrenic and dangerous behavior.
In the rush to protect Daniel Penny from America’s self-appointed racial justice experts, Penny’s defenders have cast him as a hero. He is not. He’s a victim of our twisted, anti-family, and pro-elites culture.
This week, a New York jury will deliberate Penny’s fate. Closing arguments in his trial began on Monday and will conclude today or tomorrow. I feel immense empathy for Daniel Penny. He’s just 25 years old. His traditional upbringing and military service triggered his God-given instincts to act as a protector.
In the same week President Joe Biden pardoned a decade’s worth of crimes for his son Hunter, the criminal justice system could very well send Daniel Penny to prison for restraining a deranged lunatic with a history of violence.
America has lost its mind.
Rather than diminishing racial bias, we’ve simply changed targets. We’ve turned Daniel Penny into the modern-day Tom Robinson, the fictional defendant in Harper Lee’s classic novel “To Kill a Mockingbird.” Lee’s book explores the killing of innocence. Nothing kills innocence more than the destruction of family.
Penny’s freedom and liberty rest in the minds of a jury pool that has endured the same anti-masculinity, anti-family, anti-white man, and pro-elites propaganda as the rest of America.
The witnesses and facts say that Neely behaved in a way that caused Penny to restrain him and that Neely’s poor health and drug abuse made the justifiable restraint lethal. It’s the exact same set of facts that killed George Floyd. Jurors in Minnesota chose to ignore the facts and convict Derek Chauvin and three other officers.
Will history repeat in New York?
Or are we finally living in the post-Black Lives Matter world? Are we finally returning to reality?
The reality is that the destruction of family has created a huge worldview divide among Americans. People who believe in the nuclear family and traditional male-female roles are constantly clashing with people who believe in the destruction of traditional families and gender roles.
Jordan Neely’s father abandoned him when he was a small child. Neely’s stepfather murdered Neely’s mother when he was 14 years old. Neely was a victim, too. He turned to drugs and fell into depression. He became a menace to society.
I feel sorry for Jordan Neely. But my empathy does not mean that I should be forced to overlook his schizophrenic and dangerous behavior.
That is what we’re all being asked to do as it relates to children of the un-parented or poorly parented, particularly if they have dark skin. Not only do we have to tolerate their misbehavior, we have to normalize, embrace, and celebrate their misbehavior. We have to pretend that Jordan Neely was a Michael Jackson impersonator, not a crazy person with a documented history of violence. We have to pretend that Kendrick Lamar and Cardi B are some sort of musical geniuses for rhyming profanities over clever beats.
To avoid being called racists or coons, we have to avoid speaking holistic and biblical truth.
The destruction of family and the rejection of male leadership are at the root of all the wickedness plaguing modern America. We live in a world of unchecked emotion and narrative lies because our society is ruled by the worship of women and sexual lust.
We live in a world that gets away with grossly favoring elites by pitting members of the working class against each other and sedating them with drugs, entertainment, and pornography. It’s a system of distraction that destroys innocence and emasculates men.
If Joe Biden thought Hunter would ever be on the same subway as Jordan Neely, Daniel Penny wouldn’t be on trial today. He’d be a high-ranking member of the Secret Service.
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Jason Whitlock
BlazeTV Host