[VIDEO] Bishop T.D. Jakes Shoots Down Plans for Reality TV

Is Bishop TD Jakes Doing A Reality Show-The-Jasmine-Brand

Bishop T.D. Jakes has been very vocal about his feelings on Oxygen’s ‘Preachers of L.A.’  but would he ever do a reality show? Recently, he spoke with Hip Hollywood about him possibly appearing on the small screen and didn’t completely rule out the notion. The mega preacher explained,

Your home life and your private life is the final frontier. Its the only thing that you have left, and some people can cast it away quite easily. But I really enjoy my family life without bringing cameras into it. And my personality is designed in such a way that that in a place that refuels me , and reinvigorates me. I doubt that I would ever do a reality show that invaded the privacy of my wife and my children and my life like that. Some other people may choose to do that and I doubt that I would, but I wouldn’t say never, just not right now.

If you remember, earlier this month he had some harsh words for the show co-starring friend, Bishop Noel Jones, telling his Potter’s House Congregation,

Now I know you’ve been watching that junk on TV and I want to tell you right now, not one dime of what you’re sowing right now will buy my suit. I want you to know my car is paid for, I want you to know I got my house on my own. I have sold enough books and produced enough movies I don’t need your offering to pay for this little slimy suit. I am not from L.A., I’m from Dallas.

Peep the clip below:

[Hip Hollywood]

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Authored by: tjbwriteratlanta