Don Lemon Sued For Allegedly Assaulting & Rubbing Bartender’s Genitalia, He ‘Categorically Denies’ Accusations

Don Lemon

Don Lemon Sued For Allegedly Assaulting & Rubbing Bartender’s Genitalia, He ‘Categorically Denies’ Accusations

Don Lemon is facing an assault lawsuit from a bartender in New York. A man named Dustin Hice filed a lawsuit against Lemon Sunday with claims that Lemon assaulted him at a bar in Sag Harbor, NY last year.

According to the lawsuit,

“Mr. Lemon, who was wearing a pair of shorts, sandals, and a t-shirt, put his hand down the front of his own shorts, and vigorously rubbed his genitalia, removed his hand and shoved his index and middle fingers into [Hice’s] moustache under [Hice’s] nose.”

Lemon, who is openly gay, then allegedly questioned Hice about his own sexual preferences as he,

“continued to shove his fingers [at Hice] with aggression and hostility”

Hice is suing for “emotional pain and suffering.”

Lemon has stayed quiet about the lawsuit, but CNN released a statement on his behalf. A rep for the network said,

“The plaintiff in this lawsuit has previously displayed a pattern of contempt for CNN on his social media accounts.”

They added that the lawsuit is only after Hice unsuccessfully tried to extort Lemon for $1.5 million.

“This claim follows his unsuccessful threats and demands for an exorbitant amount of money from Don Lemon. Don categorically denies these claims and this matter does not merit any further comment at this time.”

Hice is said to have previously shown his disdain for CNN. While touring the headquarters in Atlanta, he called the network

“the home of fake news.”

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Authored by: Char Patterson