Donald Trump Says Many Haitian Migrants Coming To US ‘Probably Have AIDS’

Donald Trump

Donald Trump Says Many Haitian Migrants Coming To US ‘Probably Have AIDS’

Donald Trump has weighed in on the Haitian migration crisis at the border and his comments didn’t come without controversy.

As previously reported, Haitians at the US Border in Texas were subject to abuse by the hands of US Border Patrol officers.

Several celebrities like Garcelle Beauvais and Sunny Hostin have passionately condemned the mistreatment.

Now, former president Donald Trump is slamming the Haitian migrants who are attempting to find safety in the US.

He said in a recent interview,

“We have hundreds of thousands of people flowing in from Haiti. Haiti has a tremendous AIDS problem. AIDS is a step beyond. AIDS is a real bad problem.”

He continued,

“So hundreds of thousands of people are coming into our country that if you look at the stats, if you look at the numbers, if you look at – just take a look at what’s happening in Haiti, a tremendous problem with AIDS.

Many of those people will probably have AIDS and they’re coming into our country and we don’t do anything about it. We let everybody come in. Sean, it’s like a death wish. It’s like a death wish for our country.”

He went on to claim that countries are “emptying out their prisons into the United States.”


“Some of the toughest people on earth are being dumped into the United States because they don’t want them. They don’t want to take care of them for the next 40 years. So these people that are the roughest prisoners there are anywhere are being dumped into the United States for us to take care of. What are they doing? They’re destroying our country.”

What are your thoughts on Donald Trump’s remarks? Comment and let us know.

Authored by: Char Patterson