Toni Braxton Testifies Against Man Who Allegedly Stole Her Engagement Ring Fiance Birdman Gave Her & $2.5 Million In Jewelry

Toni Braxton Testifies Against Man Who Allegedly Stole Her Engagement Ring Fiance Birdman Gave Her & $2.5 Million In Jewelry

Toni Braxton took the stand in court Thursday to speak out against a man accused of stealing her engagement ring. The Grammy award-winning singer said she was devastated that the man took her ring. Apparently, he works for an airplane cleaning service and allegedly went through Braxton’s things when she forgot her carry-on luggage on the Delta plane after arriving in L.A.

Three of the man’s coworkers pointed him out and said they spotted him taking Braxton’s engagement ring, which is worth $1 million. She wasn’t wearing the ring at the time because her fingers tend to swell as a side effect of living with Lupus.

Toni Braxton

The suspect is also accused of swiping 2 Rolex’s, a Cartier watch and a fourth luxury watch, along with two pairs of earrings. He allegedly stole $2.5 million worth of jewelry.

And all of it is still MIA.

Braxton said she’s hopeful the man will do the right thing and give her back her jewelry.

The Jasmine Brand previously reported that Braxton’s ring went missing in November. Her fiance Birdman gave her the ring when he proposed in February 2018.

She tweeted Delta and wrote,

“Hey I left my LV train case on my flight from JFK to LAX on Tuesday. It’s been impossible to get any type of assistance from anyone in the company! Can someone let delta know I’m trying to get in contact w/them?I’ve tried to no avail  pls help you’re my favorite airlines”

The company responded,

“Toni, so sorry to hear that you’ve lost an item while traveling with us. I want to help and I plan to do all possible to locate your train case. Please DM your confirmation number for further assistance.”

She later tweeted that Delta found her bags but her jewelry was still missing. She pleaded for whoever “borrowed” it to return it.

As for Birdman, he seems to be staying calm, cool and collected. He told Wendy Williams, 

“She told me like a week later. She’s so G. That’s what I like about her. She’s so genuine. She keeps it 100 with me. She told me the situation at the airport. It was in her luggage or something, at the airport, and the bag was left and the ring went missing. It it is what it is. We’ll buy her another one.”

See his comments at the 9:39 mark.

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Authored by: Char Patterson