Cassie Opens Up About Her Pregnancy: I Want My Daughter To Understand The Bigger Picture In Life! 


Cassie Opens Up About Her Pregnancy: I Want My Daughter To Understand The Bigger Picture In Life!

Cassie has been laying low for a while, but now she’s back with new music, a new creative team, a new boyfriend and a baby bump!

The singer, who was infamously dating Diddy for more than a decade, seems to be making a lot of changes in her life recently.

Cassie, Diddy (circa 2017)

After they shockingly split last year, she moved on with fitness trainer Alex Fine. The two recently announced they’re expecting their first child together. And it’s a girl!

She opened up about motherhood and raising a girl in a recent interview.

“My priorities have absolutely changed, not just for creating an amazing future and life for my daughter, but because I want her to be proud of me. I’ve heard people say that they’re nervous to raise females in today’s world, but I’m excited! I can’t wait to see her grow, learn and challenge the world right back!”

She also said she hopes to be a mom who can show her daughter that the sky is the limit.

“(I want to be) the kind of role model that shows her that she can be whomever she wants to be and that she has all of the love and support in the world. I hope to make her understand the bigger picture in life and that you don’t have to solely be one thing in this world. I want her to know that she can choose. My music is just part of a legacy that I wish to leave behind, for her and other women to be inspired by.”


Cassie, who has a brand new team full of African-American women behind her, also dished on why making that decision was important to her.

“When it comes to me choosing to work with certain people I have to go off of an organic connection. I love the fact that everyone that I work with now communicates fully on every aspect, we are not in competition, we work as a team and they actually understand who I am and who I want to mold myself to become. As a group, we work as a collective. For me, this is the first time that I feel that I actually have a strong team in place that has my best interests at heart and the added bonus is that the majority of the team are creative black females. To me, it means we see each other.”

“The energy I feel when we’re in a room together is unmatchable. We all have our own levels of experience and we bring our best to the table. We support each other and balance each other out all at the same time. It just works.”


As for how her music and even style has evolved since working with her new team, Cassie said,

“More than anything, I would say that my creative process has changed since working with a new team. I feel supported so I make decisions based on what’s best for me. I used to spend the most time overthinking the smallest things and always worrying about how people felt that I neglected how I really felt and what would make me happy. I wasn’t creating from the heart. I’m still making sure that things are well thought out, but I’m doing what makes sense for my life. I’m just a woman coming into my own learning to trust myself. It’s empowering.”

Ultimately, she said she’s not ashamed to ask for a hand if she needs help.

“The most valuable thing I’ve learned in starting a new chapter is that it’s okay to ask for help. Recognize your resources, utilize them and then help others. Keep your mind open, the most unexpected things happen when you stay open.”

She recently released “Excuses,” “Hungover” and “Don’t Let Go.”

Your thoughts? Tell us in the comments!

Authored by: Char Patterson