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Actor Kirk Cameron delivered a rousing speech at the March for Life and made an appearance on Fox News, where he revealed that the "tide is turning" in how society views abortion — even in progressive Hollywood.
"Most of us have someone in our life — sometimes it's a wife, sometimes it's our children — who are touched by this issue of abortion and life," Cameron told Fox News correspondent Rachel Campos-Duffy on Friday morning.
Cameron explained that his wife — fellow actor Chelsea Noble — was adopted when she was a child and was "one doctor appointment away from not existing."
"She was not a mistake, she was a miracle, and our first four children are adopted," Cameron continued. "They were 'this close' to not existing. And our two natural-born children would not be here if my wife had not been born, and her birth mother not chosen life."
"So for me, my whole family is here because of the work of the people like who are coming to the Mall today for the March for Life," Cameron said.
Campos-Duffy said she has a fight in the pro-life movement, revealing that her own daughter has Down syndrome.
"I think that we’re at a tipping point," Cameron asserted. "I think that the tide is turning; science is making it more and more difficult for us to pretend that it’s not a baby in the womb. We know that it is."
"Even in Hollywood, there are more and more people who are embracing the idea that life is a gift from God," said Cameron, who is best known for his role as Mike Seaver on the 80s sitcom "Growing Pains."
"If you talk to the people who are here, some people don’t understand why we come and why we’re marching, but we understand as the family of faith, that our hope is ultimately not in who governs us, it’s not in the laws that we make as a nation," Cameron proclaimed. "Our hope is in the power of God working in the hearts of people, and there are thousands and thousands of us here today, we want to make a difference, we want to champion life."
Cameron was a speaker at the 49th annual March for Life rally in Washington, D.C., where there were "tens of thousands" of pro-life activists estimated to be in attendance.
Tens of thousands making their way to the U.S. Supreme Court at this year\u2019s March for Life in Washington DCpic.twitter.com/prdbjX9MxI— Brendan Gutenschwager (@Brendan Gutenschwager) 1642795405
"So excited to be here with you. I love to see your signs, your smiles, and your hearts filled with love and compassion for moms and babies and families," Cameron began his speech at the pro-life event.
"Why are we here? The Bible, the book that built America, says that those who hate God love death. But we’re the family of faith. We love God, therefore we love life," the devout Christian explained.
"And our hope is not in the White House, it’s not in Congress, our hope is not in the people that govern us or the laws we make in this nation, our hope is in the power of God working in the hearts of His people," Cameron told the crowd at the National Mall.
"We’re going to be marching together this afternoon. But after this day is over, I want us all to remember to continue the marching orders that have been given to us by our Commander in Chief Who lives in the heavenly places," Cameron exclaimed, which sparked applause from the audience. "And His executive orders trump all executive orders. And the mandates from Heaven remind us to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with our God. That’s what we will be doing this afternoon, and I’m proud to be with you. God bless you guys."
Kirk Cameron - March for Life 2022 - Full Speechwww.youtube.com
Kirk Cameron explains how he was thrust into the Hollywood limelight at 14-years-old, but used his fame and celebrity to transform from an atheist to become a devout Christian in a recent episode of the PragerU series "Stories of Us."
Stories of Us: Kirk Cameronwww.youtube.com