Kruschiki Supply Company
The founder of Kruschiki Supply Company proves that being on a budget is no excuse not to prepare.
When I recommend that people put together some emergency kits, no matter where they live, I often get replies like “Uhhhh, actually, some people are poor and can’t afford to be prepared.”
So I decided to go out and prove them wrong.
For $115 (minus the price of the rucksack, as you can use literally any bag without having to break the bank), I put together a very basic 72-hour emergency kit for two people.
This price does not include the plain household items you should have, like a change of clothes, extra socks, copies of all important documents, some basic toiletries, and a few other items.
Also, some of these picks are not “best in class,” given the strict budget. I’ll break down the choices below.
Kruschiki Supply Company
Kruschiki Supply Company
Water may be more important, but food is still critical. These may not be the most palatable choices, but, again, we’re going for as cheap as possible.
We chose these specifically because you can cycle them into your regular food use before they expire, so you can always keep them up to date.
You can definitely add more food to your kit, but keep in mind that we’re on a budget here.
Kruschiki Supply Company
Kruschiki Supply Company
Again, there are better options, but this is fairly decent for an extreme budget: BleedStop and a basic first aid kit.
All in all, this is definitely a good start. No one says you have to buy it all at once, but this is obtainable very quickly for even those on the strictest of budgets.
If you’re interested in a medium ALICE rucksack, we currently have them in stock for only $49.99. This is a great ruck for a great price, but once again, an old backpack or duffel will do the job as well.
A backpack with everything I've listed above certainly isn't the be-all, end-all of emergency kits; then again, it''s only meant to tide you over for the first 72 hours until help arrives.
Don't hesitate to adapt this for your specific environment and circumstances, as nobody knows your situation better than you. And remember: There is no excuse for not being prepared.
Krus Chiki