Apu Gomes/Getty Images /Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
When Liz Wheeler says that California is persecuting Christians, she swears she’s not being hyperbolic.
“The state of California is coming after Christians in the worst kind of way. ... They're using children to persecute practicing Christians — people who live according to biblical values or Catholic doctrine,” she says.
California’s current Senate Bill 407, which was introduced by state Senator Scott Wiener — “a rabidly pro-LGBTQIA politician” — requires foster parents to “affirm a child's chosen gender identity and sexual orientation, even if such affirmations are counter to the foster parents' strongly held religious or moral values,” says Liz.
If this language alone didn’t already single out Christian families — the group most likely to foster children — a new directive from the Department of Social Services makes it crystal clear exactly who’s in the crosshairs.
This directive, which was issued last November, “took it one step further ... and interpreted the bill to actually add something additionally egregious to the language that was already bad,” Liz explains.
According to the directive, not only must foster parents “explicitly proclaim that they support the idea of a child's ability to change his or her gender identity,” but they also must “receive training on cultural sensitivity regarding sexual orientation and gender identity expression and best practices for providing care to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning children.”
Liz calls the mandatory education course a Marxist “re-education camp for Christians.”
And yet it gets even worse.
The directive also demands that “each resource family must have the capacity, the ability, and the willingness to safeguard a child's or non-minor dependent's personal right and respect and honor the child's identities regardless of their own values and beliefs.”
How does the state determine whether a foster family can meet these requirements?
“There's an interview process that the state requires for foster families to be licensed,” which includes a “grilling questionnaire,” says Liz.
The interview is “intended to assess the family's ability, willingness, and capacity to provide a safe, accepting, and affirming home to prevent additional trauma to any child or non-minor dependent who could be placed with them by asking direct and open-ended questions about their ability and capacity to care for LGBTQ+ children and non-minor dependents,” she explains, calling the interview “a litmus test.”
Would-be foster families who refuse to pledge that they will “facilitate a transition for a gender confused child” are barred from the system.
“This is absolutely, 100% illegal,” says Liz. “It is a violation of the Constitution of the United States.”
She points to the 2021 caseFulton v. City of Philadelphia, in which the Supreme Court ruled unanimously that the city of Philadelphia violated the Petitioner Catholic Social Services’ First Amendment rights by refusing to renew the agency’s contract unless it agreed to allow same-sex couples to be foster parents — an act that would violate Catholic doctrine.
Liz hopes and anticipates that this same ruling will apply to this egregious directive by California’s Department of Social Services.
Unfortunately, even in the best-case scenario, “it’ll take years to get through the court system,” which means that in the interim, the children will be the ones to suffer.
To hear more of Liz’s commentary, watch the clip above.
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