Peter Gietl
A poem.
the touch of a finger
that lingers longer
a jolt, a charge
that feeds back –
back through the body, back through time
Racing and tracing and
reaching and chasing the highs the lows
and the aether following flows
we go so far
forget who we are
and yet
we have to go further to get there
to sleep to go deeper
to dream to retrieve
go beyond what we hope we believe
To arrive at Eden to create it anew
to begin
and sin it all away
When did we pass
the point of no return
when we had the dream
or on waking, shaking nightmare cold
old skin
clammy, wet.
prints, setting in cement
a father’s reluctant call
ringing in our ears
echoes riding on fresh fears
nailed not nailed
nothing true
regret, hope, residue
standing here it’s hard to see
anything but ruin, feel
anything but death and
disappointment fill my eyes,
empty my heart
but have we lost sight
did we forget
we live
we owe
the dead a debt
I’m not sure now,
thinking back,
when I thought it might end
or even when I began.
I had in mind a grand plan,
a cycle,
something worthy,
substantial, vital
to make, if only myself,
now, gone awry,
removed from fantasy, I have arrived
at despair—
finding myself not desperate there.
There is surely a place for ambition
(poetic or not)
a moon, a Mars, to aim for
and if it takes time to arrive, so what?
and if one never arrives, so what?
pursuit is its own reward,
its own end,
travels of its own accord:
by any other name an autonomous vehicle
transporting us,
from who we are to who we will become.
Maybe this one is all I get
maybe the others remain,
like Mars,
distant ideas
seen from afar
never reached but observed, admired,
a goal to never reach but to stretch,
to seek, maybe that’s enough.