Roberto Machado Noa/LightRocket via Getty Images
Secularity — the idea that people, beliefs, and activities can be void of all spirituality and religiosity — is a myth, says Steve Deace.
“Someone will always rule; something must always be worshipped. There's no secular realm,” he says. “Anyone who claims so is either willfully ignorant to naive, or they're lying to you in the hopes that you will take your faith and set it aside so that they can then replace yours with their own.”
As further proof, Steve points to some data shared by American political scientist Ryan Burge:
The graph depicts a strong correlation between Protestant Christian church attendance and political affiliation. Simply put, those who identify as politically liberal, regardless of racial demographic, are far less likely to be frequent church attenders.
Why? Because what being a liberal has evolved to mean puts one in diametric opposition with biblical standards.
Co-host Aaron McIntire explains it like this: “What does liberal actually mean? Well, it used to mean being open-minded to new ideas … individual rights, things of that nature,” but today, it means “capital-P progressive.”
“Liberalism was ‘we want government to allow people to do things that God says are wrong.’ Progressivism is basically … ’we want the government to force people to do what God says is wrong,”’ he explains.
The “biggest idiots of them all,” McIntire says, are the small percentages of individuals who are both liberal and regular church attenders.
“Why are you going there? What's the point?” he asks.
Steve speculates that those small percentages are likely made up of people who attend “very left-wing churches” that operate outside biblical doctrine anyway.
The data, however, only depicts Protestant Christian church attendance. How do the numbers shift when it’s Catholicism, Mormonism, Judaism, Islamism, Hinduism, or Buddhism?
To find out, watch the episode above.
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