BAY ISMOYO/AFP | Getty Images
A human being’s faith is the foundation of their worldview, which is why Steve Deace of the "Steve Deace Show” believes “it is vitally important to understand where Islam and the Quran are coming from.”
“What it believes, what it claims, and then what it believes and claims about the biblical worldview that this country and Western civilization was founded upon. Vitally important to know this because we’re mingling these two cultures now at rates never done before,” Deace explains.
This is especially important because since 9/11, the United States has taken in over 2.5 million people from Islamist-dominated countries.
“So we are mingling these two cultures at rates they’ve never been mingled before, and we are seeing the conflicts of these two cultures,” Deace says. “‘You are infidel, unbeliever. Your women and property are for Allah, I can use it for my own devices, that’s what my religion teaches me, or variations of it do.’”
This is why Americans should understand the history of Islam rather than taking it at face value.
“Islam has been a warrior religion from the very beginning. Muhammed spent his last 20 years of life in basically constant warfare, and we’re dealing with the third world, the most violent forms of warfare you could imagine,” Deace explains.
“One of the most infamous battles Muhammad fought in is what was called the Battle of the Trench, and there was a Jewish tribe that had made an alliance with Muhammad during this battle. Kind of a non-aggression pact, and they even helped him build the trenches he needed to win this battle.”
“They would not fight with him because of all the negative things he was saying about Jews,” he continues. “They did aid him in his battle, but because they would not go so far as to kill for Muhammad, what Muhammad did is he went to every male member of this Jewish tribe that was pubescent age or older and had them all beheaded.”
“After he died, Islam was a warrior religion. In the 1300 years since his death, Islam has been a warrior religion. There has never been a time that Islam systematically was not at war,” he says, adding, “There has never been a time Islam has ... not been at war with Christendom.”
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