Image source: Video screenshot
'I'm afraid that he went to a gunfight with a screwdriver'
On BlazeTV's "Rick & Bubba Show," co-hosts Rick Burgess and Bubba Bussey shared a video of an ill-fated thug in Las Vegas, Nevada, who apparently thought it would be a good idea to try to steal from a group of students taking a concealed carry class at a gun range — yes, you read that right — before stabbing a police officer with a screwdriver in front of the building. Needless to say, it did not end well for the would-be thief.
The video shows a man later identified as Marvon Payton Jr. being caught rooting through a student's backpack during a break from a class on concealed carry weapons permits. Two students confronted Payton, and the owner of the bag stopped him from stealing his gun. Payton was then escorted out of the classroom while an employee reportedly called the police.
Three employees then escorted Payton outside the business and waited for officers to arrive. When two police officers approached, Payton first attempted to run, then turned and attacked, stabbing a female officer with a screwdriver. At this point, the second officer and three civilians opened fire, striking Payton 14 times. Officers immediately summoned medical personnel, but Payton died at the scene.
"If you're someone who likes to take other people's things, don't do it at a concealed carry class where everybody's got a gun," Rick advised after watching the video footage.
"I'm afraid that he went to a gunfight with a screwdriver," commented Bubba. "Well, that was the last thing he did on planet Earth."
"So, how about when you step into eternity, and the last thing you did was stab a police officer with a screwdriver?" Rick asked.
Watch the video clip below to catch more of the conversation. Can't watch? Download the podcast here.
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