Chip Somodevilla | Getty Images
Every leftist’s nightmare has come true. That is, Donald Trump has won the presidency, and their lives will likely get better because of it.
The devastating loss has Democrats now claiming that the 2024 election has been stolen, as they point out that it appears 20 million voters came out of nowhere in the 2020 election for Joe Biden and have now disappeared.
“PolitiFact even points out, ‘No, 20 million Democratic votes didn’t disappear, and there’s no evidence the 2024 election was stolen,’” Stu Burguiere of “Stu Does America” comments.
“It’s fascinating to watch all of them now do what they accused us of doing all of this time. We were the election deniers for four years, now they can deny the election, and no one seems to care whatsoever,” he continues.
A survey found that more than half of Harris voters have considered leaving the country after Trump’s win, though 44% of them would like to move but probably won’t. Five percent say they will definitely move and another 5% say they probably will.
“If the reason why you’re worried about potentially moving is because of a federal abortion ban, you could just leave when you need the abortion. These people are not that bright,” Burguiere says. “Go fly somewhere else, and you can escape the little 'Handmaid’s Tale' country we have for you here.”
Leftists are taking Trump’s win so poorly that they’re even canceling classes at their prestigious universities like Harvard, Penn, and Columbia.
The dean of Harvard reportedly told students to let themselves “feel a bunch of emotions about how this is going to impact us in the future and listen to other people and how they feel about it, too.”
“Now, of course, you can’t listen to all other people ‘cause some of them might like it, so don’t listen to those people. But listen to other people who also have b****es and complaints about the election results and the democracy they hold so dear,” Burguiere says.
A Yale psychiatrist is also urging MSNBC viewers to shun Trump voting family members over the holidays. Dr. Amanda Calhoun told viewers that there is a “societal push that if someone is in your family, they are entitled to your time, and I think the answer is absolutely not.”
“If you are going through a situation where you have family members or you have close friends who you know have voted in ways that are against you, that are against your livelihood, then it’s completely fine to not be around those people and to tell them why,” Calhoun said.
“There’s only one actual response to that. It is one word long, and it is ‘good,’” Burguiere says.
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